2023.11.28 오늘의 영어 (초록이 Day 14)
브런치에다가 글 모아뒀는데 쓰지도 않을 것 같아서... 여기다 나중에 단어 정리한거 옮겨야겠다. 복붙이 모바일로 이상해서 컴퓨터로 해야겠음.
아무튼 오늘 하려는건
- 초록이 14챕
- 초록이 13챕 복습
- 유투브나 팟캐스트로 토플 듣기연습 시작하기
그리고 단어 외우면서 라이팅에 쓸만한 표현을 수집하는개 좋다는 팁을 들었는데, 범용적으로 쓸법한게 보이면 단어에 동의어만 모아 한국어로 써놓든가 해야겠다. 라이팅 무슨 문제가 나오는지도 아직 몰라서 확실하진 않다만...
초록이 Day 14.
syn. fatal, pernicious
- sufficient to cause death.
modest; not large, limited
exploitation; abuse misuse
syn. vestige remnant
syn. divert, change the direction
강조하다 동의어
highlight; accent underline stress emphasize
syn. put forth, wield, employ
syn. scanty, scarce, deficient, very low
- (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.
"they were forced to supplement their meager earnings"
prevail; dominent, widespread로 알고있는데 triumph 라는 동의어를 같이 외우려고함
이게 왜 전적으로라는 뜻이지?
exclusively; solely entirely totally; 전적으로
- 모든 것들을 배제해버려서 전적으로 자기한테만 달려있다는 의미
- excluding or not admitting other things
- 독점적이고 배타적이라는 뜻
- remove from consideration; rule out.
- deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.
생긴게 비슷해서 찾아본건데, 뜻도 비슷한데 약간 다르다.
now and then; occasionally, from time to time, at times
엥? 잘 쓰나?
Cambridge 왈: (every) now and then
- sometimes but not very often
- e.g., We still meet for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.
- e.g., We still get together for lunch every now and then.
anchor; fasten, hold in place
improbable; inplausible, doubtful
pragmatic; practical, utilitarian
- 12챕에 비슷한 단어 있던거같은데?
- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
"a pragmatic approach to business ethics
undisputed; acknowledged, accepted; 모두가 인정하는
withstand; endure resist sustain. 견디다
witness 목격자 증언
withdraw 철회하다
cornerstone; underpinning, foundation
thorough; exhaustive intense; 철저한
mobilize; put into action, deploy. 동원하다
33/59 출근함
퇴근때 이어서
given that, accepting that, considering that
deliberately; consciously, on purpose
coinage; 신조어
obligation; liability, duty
obligate: bind or compel (someone), especially legally or morally.
Obey, obedient랑 자꾸 헷갈렸는듯...
rigorous harsh
- most prominent in rank, importance, or position.
- e.g., one of the foremost art collectors of his day"
tentatively; hesitantly
scorn; ridicule disdain sneer despise
- n. the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.
"I do not wish to become the object of scorn"
- v. feel or express contempt or derision for.
"he tended to scorn technological advances he did not come up with himself"
- a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.
- n. the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space that something covers.
"a warehouse with a clear span of 28 feet"
- v. (of a bridge, arch, etc.) extend from side to side of.
"the stream was spanned by a narrow bridge"
- adj. large or important enough to be noticed.
"tea and coffee both contain appreciable amounts of caffeine"
- recognize the full worth of.
- understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.
- e.g., she feels that he does not appreciate her
고맙다는 말 정중히 할때만 쓰는줄 알았는데 이런 뜻이었구나. 진가를 인정하고 알아준다는 의미.
- lead (an attack or movement).
- e.g., he's spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at work
methodically; systematically
orderly, in a systemmic manner.